Friday, February 16, 2007

Crazy week

A week has flown by so quick and so much seemed to happen.

The offical summer holidays are over and life is back to its busy pace. Caleb is loving Kindy and asks every morning when he can go. Hayley doesn't like going to the gym creche without Caleb but she is getting better about it. The church mums bible study and childrens play group has started up again and the children music programme. So going between, bible study, kindy, the gym, swimming and music we are very busy and not home much. The best thing about all these activities for the children is I don't have to pay a thing.

My training is going well, and I sure will get better once i get myself back on track, I had quite a set back last over the last 1 1/2 weeks. I started having alot of pain on Friday night and come Sunday it wasn't a whole lot better so I ventured to the emergency room where I was informed I had Gall Stones. I was told that a sudden change in diet and increased fatty food can cause them to start building up. After much discussion it was determined that it proberly started when I went to Colorado and was living at camp. I ate cereal for most meals to begin with but you can only keep that up for so long. So I gave in to the delights of Pancakes, Waffels and French Toast for Breakfast. Come to think of it, before camp I don't think I have ever had French Toast or Waffells before. So yeah upon returning to NZ the sudden change in diet again. Back to normal food it was all a bit much for my body to handle. I think I have had pancakes once or twice since being back in NZ. Its a dessert over here.

So after tests, a Ultrasound and some wonderful pain relief, it was decieded that I would require surgery to remove my Gall Bladder, so that will be taking place later in the year. In the meantime I am armed with loads of pain killers, and I am supossed to sleep when I start getting any pain. Good luck with that one I say.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Caleb starts Kindergarten

Caleb proudly shows off his new bag for Kindy

All ready and waiting for me to take him to kindy on his first day.

Wow I can't believe it Caleb started Kindergarten on Monday. He was so excited, the day before we went shopping to get a bag for him, he wore it the entire day. Caleb will be attending Kindy 3 afternoons a week.
Hayley seems a bit lost without him around but I'm sure she will soon take advantage of the time she me all to herself.