Calebs Kindy went on trip to the Zoo last week. The day pervious to the trip Caleb woke at 6am all ready to go to the zoo, only to be told not today. The poor child was devastaed. The day of the Zoo trip he woke at a wonderful 3am asking if it was time to go yet. We kidnly told him to go back to bed but he was so excited and had so mnay questions it was a waste of time thinking any of us would get back to sleep. Eventually it was time for the big expedition, and the jounrney started with a bus ride, oh wow. Just think 30, 3 years old excited about going to the zoo, but now they get to go on a bus as well. Lets just say it definitely was not a quite ride. Friends and family were also able to join the zoo trip so my parents ( Nan and Pop) joined us along with my sister Aimee and her son Kyuss. Thankfully we were allowed to go where we wanted and didn't have to stay in a group. So yeah we have an awesome day, Caleb got to see the tiger he had so eagarly waited to see. Now we just have the continual question of when are we going to the zoo again.
Just a funny pic of the kids playing in our bed. Oh to be that flexible.