Saturday, June 16, 2007

What's been Happening?

The Kids and I have been doing some paintings for Grandma and Grandpa. As you can see Caleb is very particular. Hayley's all about getting the paint on anything including her face.

Smile for the Camera. This seems to bee Hayleys signature grin

Well my nose has healed nicely no funny looking bump or strange shape. It still hurts a bit when the kids give it a good whack.
I have a job interview on Monday at the Local Hospital as a Nurse Aid. So hopefully that goes well, a lot depends on hours and daycare for the kids as I don’t want to change there routine if possible. This will be a job to see if I do want to study nursing or if I look into something else.

The Kids are doing well. Caleb is very excited about Grandma and Grandpa Gene, along with Mark and Kristy coming to visit in March 08. Which really is not that far away?
Caleb thinks every time I bake a cake it will be for his birthday which he then asks when are they arriving.
Hayley has learnt to stand her ground and is defending what is hers, much to Caleb’s horror. So this is bringing up some interesting squabbles between them. 9 out of 10 times Hayley comes out on top.

Jeff is working a lot, as its getting quite cold so everybody wants heating put into there house yesterday. So its been nice to have a relaxing weekend and actually spend some time together as a family.