Thursday, September 6, 2007

Fun Times

Caleb has been loving spring. Nan and Pops place has so many animals. So it is very exciting to go up and feed the calves , pigs and lambs. Hayley is not so excited and screams at the top of her lungs if an animal even looks like it might walk up to her
We were very suprised to see Caleb get into the pig pen. He was feeding them Kiwifruit and got quite mad when the pigs decided to all fight over one instead of having one each like he had given them. It was quite entertaining to listen to him reasoning with the pigs and how they needed to share and be patient. If only he was as good at these things
Before I started my new Job, we went on a short holiday to the Hawkes Bay. Caleb wanted to to see Seals and Dolphins. It was a fun weekend but in no means relaxing.
Hayley and her signature grin, but so adorable.
Me and the kids, hayley looks a bit zoned out.

Life is very busy . I have started my new Job in Kidsplace ( Childrens Emergency). I love it, it is quite a challenge at times. Im working 10.5 hours shifts 2 day a week. My second day I had a 3 month old stop breathing and turn blue very quick on me. I got it going again, but very scary. The baby had been born at 24 weeks, and had been home for 2 weeks, then it got a cold, so its breathing problems came back. I had about 2 hours of it stoping breathing every 20 min, before we were able to tranfer it to a specialist childrens hospital in Auckland. I have heard that the baby is recovering well now.
The kids are going to Home based Childcare while I'm at work, with my friends kids, and they are loving it. Jeff is doing well with the kids on his own. he drops them off at care and collects them again after work, and I make sure that their dinner is ready and pjs layed out, when they get home. So far so good.
The kid are about to start swimming lessons again, making life a bit more hectic. Hayley needs to have her life full of activities otherwise she creates alot of trouble. I think Saturdays is usually our only full day at home.