Friday, May 22, 2009

Connor 1 Month Old

Our Handsome Boys

Our cuite when he was a bit smaller

Mummy and Connor playing with the Camera

Hayley attempting to hold Connor who is already half her body weight at 1 month

Loads fo kisses for Connor

A werid kinda smile. Yeah for smiles they are sooooo adorable. Mainly at 4am when you are supossed to ignore them, but how can you.

Nan with Connor

Boof ( Leanna) finally gets to meet Connor as she came up from Christchurch for a week.

Pop finding that a baby with a dummy is a great combination. Peaceful.

Connor getting weighed.Connor's 1 month picture
1 Month old close up. Look at those big eyes.

Crazy it has gone so fast Connor is now 1 Month old. I guess even the kids think it has gone fast and he is getting big way too quick as they are already asking for another baby and a girl this time please.
Just to make it clear Connor is our last baby and Jeff has been to the doctor for a more permanent no more kids procedure.

Connor at his 1 Month check up weighed 11lbs 9 oz and measuring 23.5 inches so he is rather big and is now into clothes 3 -6 months.
Life is going well, but very busy, not sure how I get Jeff and 3 kids out of the house every morning by 8:20.
I don't get much chance to sleep, and that is starting to take its toll, and with winter settling in, we have all been a bit under the weather.

This weekend we are off to Rotorua for a fun family time. Don't think that will be too relaxing but the kids will love it, and it will be nice to get away for a couple of days.
Anyways the washing pile is calling, so i must go do some more so we can ahve clothes for the weekend.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Connor finally in my arms after a rough and long day

Jeff introduces Connor to Caleb, Hayley and Nan. Unfortunately I missed this event as I was in surgery.

Our new family

Hayleys gets to hold Connor... though a little hesitant.

Caleb holding Connor he was very excited to meet him.

Jeff in scrubs, he had to wear them to be with me in the surgical recovery area.
Hayley get a bit braver and wants to see Connor up close
Caleb and Hayley got to help give Connor his first bath.

Connor comes home. Awesome big brother

Proud brother and sister

Hayley loving on Connor
Daddy and Connor having some father/Son bonding time

Mummy and Connor having cuddle time

Our stunning kids
Connor Paul Hassman arrived on April 20th at 8:03pm, weighing 9lbs 5oz and measuring 21 inches in length. We had a rather nerve racking start to the day as I was overdue, my tummy had suddenly shrunk and I could do stunts that no pregnant women should be able to do at 9 months, and I had way too much energy. Then I noted I hadn't felt the baby move for quite some time, and that something's not right instinct kicked in. Off to the midwife I went Caleb and Hayley in tow ( we don't use doctors or paediatricians over here unless something is not right with the pregnancy) only to be told to go straight to the Hospital for monitoring. You would think with being over due and everyone asking if I have had the baby yet I would be able to get hold of someone to take the kids for me, but no not for some time. Eventually I got hold of dad who proceeded to inform me that mum had left the car without petrol so he would have to fill it up first, and then he needed to pay some bills, and run a couple of other errands before he could collect the kids from the hospital. Don't you just love the thought process of a guy, not my daughters heavily pregnant , in hospital, possibly having a baby maybe I should get the kids ASAP.
Anyways the scan and monitoring informed us baby was getting stressed and needed to come out now. So I was given the opportunity to go into labour by myself within the hour.... like my body was going to go oh ok now I can start things. So I was induced and Connor arrived 2.5 hours later. I was awesome despite being against everything that was happening, and all the interventions that were going on, I soldiered on without pain relief only to find out Connor was stuck, thankfully quite oblivious to the chaos in the room. After Connor's arrival I was informed that I would now require an epidural for surgery. Why after all that do I now get pain relief ????
Thankfully the outcome was great, mum and baby healthy and doing well. The only sad thing was I got taken to surgery before the kids arrived and they were not allowed to see me in the recovery room, so I missed out on seeing the kids meet Connor for the first time.
We are all home now, and loving the cooked meals everyone has been delivering. Caleb and Hayley love their little brother, Caleb even took Connor to school with me of course for his show and tell. We are loving our new addition though it is taking a bit to adjust to having a newborn again.