Friday, October 23, 2009

Our cute 6 month old



The weather is warming up, and we are getting ready for summer.  Connor is growing well, starting to move around alot now.  He can get onto his hands and knees now, but then just face plants.  He can wiggle round on his tummy and get mostly what he try's so hard to reach.  His weight has slowed down now and this month weighs 8.5kg or for you Americans out there thats 18lbs 7 oz.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Connor 5 Months and beyond

Connor in his Tigger Jumper thing, which as you can see he loves. You Cant see but he now has 2 teeth which he cut last night.

Look I can sit, well actually he has been sitting for about a month now.  What a cleaver boy.

Chilling with Daddy, he loves the I Pod, which makes his dad extra proud.

Offical 5 Month Picture.
I weigh 17lbs 6oz
I measure 26 inches

Another 5 Month picture, just before he weed on my bed.

This is what happens when mum leaves me with Hayley.

Connor sleeping on the adorable

Just kidding mum.

Mr Connor.... a quick catch up

I think there are some teeth in here.....

I love my bath, and thanks to Hayley he had an extra amount of bubbles.

I love my Great Grandma Savill.

Connor and Nan on the little farm.

I have been bad at updating this so these are some pictures of Connor, at about 4 1/2 months old.

Our Princess

Hayley with Connor... proof that she really loves him.

She dressed Connor up while I was making dinner.  She was super proud of herself.

My dancing girl.


Hayley had her face painted at kindy... she is an Aristocat.

Hayley is taking a break from Swimming and Dancing this term, she needs more mummy time, so far so good.  Hopefully this will help her behaviour, and make her more pleasant with Connor also.  Though I'm gonna have to be creative about how we are going to use all this energy.... especially since it has been raining so much lately.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Our Big school boy

He is am awesome big brother and Connor loves him.

Caleb has changed so much lately and has become so much more confident.

He has started playing Kelly Sports each week after school.  Its a programme that teaches skills for a range of sports.  He loves it.

And we have now lost our first baby tooth.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Caleb in His School Production.

 The Junior part of Caleb's school years 1 - 8  did a big production about Abraham and Sarah's life.  It was very well done.  They did 3 performances so he was exhausted by the end of it.  He was super proud of himself and he had a blast.