So about a week before Christmas the kids decided we needed a real Christmas tree, our fake one just wasn't going to cut it this year. So out we went for our Christmas tree adventure. Who knew most place's would be sold out of Christmas Trees this close to Christmas. We found a sign on the side of the road directing us to a Christmas tree farm not far from our place, so off we went. We were given a measuring stick that had price marks on it so we knew what price we would pay for the size tree we wanted. We were told to mark the tree we wanted and the owner would come and cut it down for us. Jeff and the kids had other ideas, they wanted to cut down the tree themselves.
Caleb and Hayley practising with their saw.
Our chosen tree. 8 Foot.
Hayley wanted this one.
Each child had to have a go at cutting down our tree, first was Caleb.
Connor wasn't going to miss out.
And finally Hayleys turn.
Thanks goodness we have a cathedral ceiling otherwise the tree would not have fit in our house. Caleb putting the star on top.
The decorations go on.