Tuesday, August 4, 2009

our awesome kids

Caleb with courageous the school cat and his favourite book

getting so big
our beautiful daughter all ready for dance

a stunning mummy and adorable son

Cute smiles
Funny faces

If you get close I will eat you

Hello all, well things are going great.
Caleb is doing great a school, though he is still quite tired every day. He is starting to recognise words when we are out and about now, and can read small sentences. He starts a programme after school tomorrow which is called Kelly sports which teaches him co-ordination and different skills required for different sports, so he is super excited about that.
Hayley has started dance lessons, which she is thrilled about, she loves getting dressed up and prancing around in front of huge mirrors.
Connor is now just over 3 months and at his 3 month check ;
weight 15 pound
length 25 inches
so yeah he is in the 95% range for his age.

Jeff is the same not much if anything has changed with him, and me well im still at home and loving it. I will hopefully return to work on Nov 1st 09.

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