Saturday, October 30, 2010

Hayley Hassman... the almost 5 year old

Well my little darling has had 2 school visits and officially starts school on Wednesday Nov 3rd, yes on her birthday. She is very excited and already knows 2 girls that are in her class which is great. She has a school uniform which is fantastic, as she is already hard to dress, this way we wont be able to have fights over what clothes she is going to wear each morning.

 Hayleys Butterfly Cake..... my FIRST  attempt at working with fondant icing. think it came out quite well.
 Our adorable princess could she be any more beautiful????
 Hayley and her friends over for some girly fun for her birthday celebration.

 I took the girls out for Cupcakes and Hot Cocoa ( Hayley's request ). We then went to a bead shop, we got our own teacher which helped the girls each make their own necklace and hair clip.

 Cake time

Isn't she just stunning..... not quite sure how we created such a beautiful child. Just love those eyes!!!!

Connor Hassman

 Well Connor has certainly brought a completely different aspect to our family dynamic ... He is definitely the rough and tough, boisterous kind we had not yet experienced. But he is a bundle of fun. He has load of energy and nothing will stop him. We recently put in a gate to stop him escaping down the road.... he yelled kicked, rammed it with his bike for a good 45 min.... took about a 10 min break and started all over again... for me it was rather comical but for him.... he was just furious. He loves to wrestle, so don't lie on the ground unless you are prepared for a full on attack complete with growling. His other Favourite activity is running and launching himself onto my nicely folded washing, then proceeding to roll around on it throwing items all over the place.  So as you could expect my washing is not getting folded much these days.
 Yet he looks so angelic is this picture.

 Look Look!!!! here is proof his hair is finally starting to grow, can you see it blowing in the wind.

Caleb Hassman

 My handsome man.  Well where do I start with informing you all about this fine young man.
Caleb has a huge heart for people, he is very caring and loving, always wanting to help in some way yet very patient and kind.  He has the most amazing sense of understanding and wants to know every little detail. He is very passionate for God and wants everyone to know about God and he tells them they need to have a relationship with God, he is our little evangelist. On October 16 Caleb accepted Christ as his Lord and Saviour, it  was a very exciting yet emotional moment, and one I am so glad to have witnessed.  On November 6th Caleb is going to share a verse during the church service.... he asked our Pastor if he could, as he thinks more young people should be excited about talking about God.

 Caleb won an award in his soccer team for showing his amazing Christian Character during the season.
 Caleb's art work for spring day.
 Plant and pot Caleb painted and planted for his Great Nana. ( All on his own thinking ). The  boys were blue and well very boyish, I was looking for Caleb's and couldn't find it, he pointed out this lovely red one with hearts, and I said well that's interesting why did you choose do make it that way, he replied..... oh its for Nana mum, that's why its all pretty.
Caleb eggplant penguins for his spring day veggie creation

Auckland Trips - Kelly Tarltons and the Zoo

We have a wonderful website which offers great activities at half the usual price so lately we have taken advantage of this and taken the kids on two outings. The first one being Kelly Tarltons which is a underground Aquarium, and Antarctic centre.
 Kids inside a giant sharks mouth... they seem to be fazed at all
 Emperor Penguins this was awesome to see, we got to ride inside a snow-cat and go into the enclosure. the Kids loved this part the best, mind you so did the parents.

 Second trip was to the Auckland Zoo.... which is well worth the trip. It took 4.5 hours to get around all of which Connor walked, he ran every which way for about the first hour. 
 Giant mosaic Lizard.

 When did Caleb get so big and grown up???

 Connor temporarily got put on Jeff's shoulders so we could keep track of him.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Lulu the Lamb

Hayley and Lulu bonding

Hayley is in Love. Lulu went everywhere with her.

Connor squealed in delight and made sheep noises all day and night.

Caleb was finally aloud some time with Lulu.

Connor attempting to feed Lulu.

Not interested ???? This is how you drink it Lulu.

Hayley the pro

Connor loving on Lulu
So for a short period of 4 days we had a lamb named Lulu. Jeff at first was not at all impressed by me bringing home a lamb, but he softened rather quickly and soon saw how much fun she was and how much the kids loved her. Lulu was born on the wettest coldest day we had all winter so she developed pneumonia, so we weren't too sure if she would survive.
Lulu slept in the shower in the kids bathroom at night and during the day she wondered around outside or in the kitchen... or where ever Hayley had put her. A few times they were both inside Hayleys sleeping bag watching a movie. Lulu become a huge delight to everyone and we all enjoyed our brief time having her in our family.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The kids in August

Our kids are growing up so fast. I was just flicking back thru our blog and noticed a big change in the kids even from when Gene and Linnea were here. Guess that means we need to start thinking about a trip to the states. The kids tell me to stop spending so much at the groceries and save our money for America.... Hard choice feed my kids or save the money... for the time being I think I will feed my kids though saving may be a bit cheaper they way these kids are eating at the moment.