Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Lulu the Lamb

Hayley and Lulu bonding

Hayley is in Love. Lulu went everywhere with her.

Connor squealed in delight and made sheep noises all day and night.

Caleb was finally aloud some time with Lulu.

Connor attempting to feed Lulu.

Not interested ???? This is how you drink it Lulu.

Hayley the pro

Connor loving on Lulu
So for a short period of 4 days we had a lamb named Lulu. Jeff at first was not at all impressed by me bringing home a lamb, but he softened rather quickly and soon saw how much fun she was and how much the kids loved her. Lulu was born on the wettest coldest day we had all winter so she developed pneumonia, so we weren't too sure if she would survive.
Lulu slept in the shower in the kids bathroom at night and during the day she wondered around outside or in the kitchen... or where ever Hayley had put her. A few times they were both inside Hayleys sleeping bag watching a movie. Lulu become a huge delight to everyone and we all enjoyed our brief time having her in our family.

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