Thursday, January 21, 2010

Connor 9 Months old

My Talented little man standing on his own and clapping
Just love his eyes

The Piano Man

Friday, January 8, 2010

beach time

Connors first dip in the ocean

Caleb is getting quite confident in the water and is now enjoying the waves rather than running from them

We were lucky to use my parents house at the beach to get away for a week after Christmas for a much needed break. My sister Leanna was helping out at a camp down the road with the Kids Holiday programme so she kindly took Caleb and Hayley each morning, which gave them some thing fun to do while Connor slept. The beach is only about a 5 min walk from my parents house so every afternoon was filled in with a swim in the ocean followed by a hot bath to change the kids from blue back to pink. So funny how kids just don't want to get out even though they are shaking uncontrollably. The evenings we enjoyed a nice walk down the beach checking out everyone that was fishing, and we also did a little kite flying as well. After all this excitement the kids slept great, all except Connor. Connor cut a tooth and with this wonderful process he gets ear infections, so he was misserable at night, which meant very little sleep for me.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas Brunch and Lunch

Hayley Getting a present from Santa
Connor with Kelli and her puppy, Connor just loved this dog
Hayley in her Ladybug Costume from Nan and Pop
Connor meets Santa and couldn't care less about his present
Caleb getting his present from Santa

Opps so these pictures are back to front the breakfast ones were supposed to be first oh well. Anyway's after our Brunch my mum's side of the family gets together, all her sisters and our cousins and extended family its huge, we all have lunch that usually extends to dinner as well. Santa makes and appearance and gives all the kids their presents much to their delight. Caleb and Hayley had called Santa and told him what they wanted for Christmas and were delighted when it was personally delivered. Calebs request wasn't quite filled, he asked for a Trombone, much to his dads pleasure, so we told him it was too heavy for Santa to carry so it was delivered to Grandma and Grandpa Genes house and they would bring it on the plane when they come over. Which is only 10 weeks away now!!!!

Hayley = Snow White, Kyuss = Superman, Cade = Batman
the boys are my sister Aimee's boys she is expecting another boy in March
Hayley in her Snow White dress
Caleb with his present
Connor had more fun with the paper than the present

We had a Champagne Breakfast at my Sisters house on Christmas Morning with our immediate family, though we were missing Jason and Ashley as they are now living back in America. Due to me breastfeeding and Aimee being pregnant we didn't have any champagne, plus we were all running a bit late and disorganised so it turned into a Sparkling Grape Juice Brunch instead but it was still just as yummy.

Connor 8 months

Just a few quick pictures of our Handsome little man that is now a whopping 8 months old. Man he has grown so quick. The kids are even asking for another baby as Connor is no longer willing to let them hold him. They have requested a little sister this time round, but they don't seem to understand or want to....that this is just not going to happen.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Savill Christmas Celebrations

Hayley our most beautiful daughter

Funny kids

Connor loved the dog, and my sister Leanna was home
Caleb and Hayley got kites for Christmas from Nan and Pop
It was super windy but they worked great

Caleb with his cousin Emma riding Maggie

Hayley being as calm as she can
Connor even got a turn, though just a short one, he would stop jumping up and down and kicking his feet.

All our extended family come together at Christmas to have one huge celebration for the Savill side of our family we went out to My uncles farm way out in the middle of know where, but alot of fun was had by all. Our kids have a huge fear of animals, well Caleb did but has got much better latley as was super excited about the dogs and horses. Hayley Screamed if they came remotely close, but was not going to be outdone by Caleb, so she shut her mouth, still trembled but proceeded to take part and in the end she had a blast and is now asking for a horse.

End of year Christmas events

Santa Parade in Town
Police and fire service started off the parade with their sirens blaring
Lip starting to drop
Connor didn't like the sirens
Hayley excited about the Santa Parade arriving in town
Caleb grabbing as many streamers as he could
Connor even enjoyed most of the parade
Jeff taking shelter from the scorching sun while waiting for the parade to start
Halyey in her kindy Christmas wind up
Caleb is the Church Christmas Play
Hayley in the Church Christmas play

It was a crazy couple of weeks it felt like we had something on every night, and at the end of it all we were all exhausted. Sorry for the grainy pictures I my camera settings had all been changed, I'm sure the kids must have had fun doing it.
The most exciting Christmas event was Caleb's End of Year Prize-giving for School, this unfortunately we forgot our Camera. Caleb got an award for Continuous effort all year round, he was super proud of himself and gladly ran to the front of about 1000 people to receive his award.