Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas Brunch and Lunch

Hayley Getting a present from Santa
Connor with Kelli and her puppy, Connor just loved this dog
Hayley in her Ladybug Costume from Nan and Pop
Connor meets Santa and couldn't care less about his present
Caleb getting his present from Santa

Opps so these pictures are back to front the breakfast ones were supposed to be first oh well. Anyway's after our Brunch my mum's side of the family gets together, all her sisters and our cousins and extended family its huge, we all have lunch that usually extends to dinner as well. Santa makes and appearance and gives all the kids their presents much to their delight. Caleb and Hayley had called Santa and told him what they wanted for Christmas and were delighted when it was personally delivered. Calebs request wasn't quite filled, he asked for a Trombone, much to his dads pleasure, so we told him it was too heavy for Santa to carry so it was delivered to Grandma and Grandpa Genes house and they would bring it on the plane when they come over. Which is only 10 weeks away now!!!!

Hayley = Snow White, Kyuss = Superman, Cade = Batman
the boys are my sister Aimee's boys she is expecting another boy in March
Hayley in her Snow White dress
Caleb with his present
Connor had more fun with the paper than the present

We had a Champagne Breakfast at my Sisters house on Christmas Morning with our immediate family, though we were missing Jason and Ashley as they are now living back in America. Due to me breastfeeding and Aimee being pregnant we didn't have any champagne, plus we were all running a bit late and disorganised so it turned into a Sparkling Grape Juice Brunch instead but it was still just as yummy.

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