Friday, February 26, 2010

Connor 10 Months old

My all time Favourite picture.

I can ride this by myself

Love at my big teeth i now have 7

hahaha mum you can't get me over here

Well 10 Months have just flown by and we have loved all of it. Connor is very funny and totally knows right from wrong, and gives you that cheeky grin when he is doing something he shouldn't. He is into wrestling in a big way..... and finds it hilarous jumping all over people, thought the hair pulling part for Hayley and I isn't so fun.

We are off to the beach for some fishing with friends..... Caleb has got a new rod for his birthday but now I have to go and get one for Hayley as there is no way they will share. the kids are super excited about the fishinf trip so lets pray they catch something.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Those photos are adorable Nikki! I just love seeing how Connor is growing up!

Love you guys!