Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fishing Trip

The kids at 6am with rods already to head out on the boat.

It was a cold start to the day

The cold wasn't going to curb this young mans excitement.

Our friends, jeff and the kids head out to sea.

Hayley caught the biggest fish for the morning a Trevelly. We smoked it for lunch so yum.

Proud Caleb with his Trevelly

Boat ride time, just for some fun

By this time Hayley was super exhausted, can you tell.

Caleb liked being up fornt he could see more that way.

One of Jeffs Gurnards that he caught when out night fishing. They also caught a kingfish that was a very proud moment for the guys.

So we were lucky enough to be invited out for a fun day of fishing with some great friends. Well Jeff and the kids went out anyway. It was an early start, but the kids were so excited it didn't matter. They had their very own fishing rods and had been praying hard all week that they would catch some fish and that they wouldn't fall overboard if they caught a big one.

With Calebs birthday coming up soon, a fishing rod and a fishing trip is what he wanted, so now he is super happy and is asking when the next trip out will be. Hayley's maybe not so keen to go out again real soon, but she did have fun.

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