Thursday, March 25, 2010

Caleb the Dinosaur

Caleb has book character day at school tomorrow. They choose a book they like then dress up as one of the characters in the story. Caleb choose a book called "God made the Dinosaurs" so he wanted to be a dinosaur of course. So I took a swig of some cleaver juice and WA-LAH this is my creation. Both Caleb and I are rather proud.

Our 11 month old cutie.

Swinging away

Our little Gangsta

11 Months where have they gone, soon we will be celebrating his first birthday with Grandma and Grandpa Gene, who arrive in just 2 days.
Connor is walking everywhere now and is getting quite quick. He has found he can now throw tantrums to get Caleb and Hayley into trouble, he squeals like he does when they kids are annoying him. We are seeing a real interesting little personality now. We could be in for some fun in the future. He is quite indepenedant and doesn't like being helped much...As you can see he likes to be on the swing by himself. Yes we have had a couple of falls. His hair is finally starting to grow so all his bumps will not be so noticeable in the future.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Birthday time

Kung fu Panda cake I made for my Nephew Cades birthday. It turned out great.

now this is how you eat cake

Chessy Grins

Calebs Birthday cake

Caleb and Connor having ride on a mechanical horse.

All the cousins, Kyuss and Caleb, Hayley and Cade

Caleb with his birthday cake. We didnt eat it that night it took it to school to share with his class.

My sister Aimee getting big cuddles form a tired Connor.

Well its been a busy week with birthdays. I turned the big 30 on the 10th of March, my sisters son Cade turned 2 on the 12th of March and Caleb turned 6 on the 15th of March. We had 2 family dinners and loads of cake. Fune] times all round though now im exhausted, and could do with a decent break. But that is not to happen, Gene and Linnea arrive in just 12 days, yes only 12 days. Jeff and I have been very good at procrastinating, just loads of tiny things around the proerpty that we would like nice and tidy before they get here. Other than that we are ready for their arrival.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fishing Trip

The kids at 6am with rods already to head out on the boat.

It was a cold start to the day

The cold wasn't going to curb this young mans excitement.

Our friends, jeff and the kids head out to sea.

Hayley caught the biggest fish for the morning a Trevelly. We smoked it for lunch so yum.

Proud Caleb with his Trevelly

Boat ride time, just for some fun

By this time Hayley was super exhausted, can you tell.

Caleb liked being up fornt he could see more that way.

One of Jeffs Gurnards that he caught when out night fishing. They also caught a kingfish that was a very proud moment for the guys.

So we were lucky enough to be invited out for a fun day of fishing with some great friends. Well Jeff and the kids went out anyway. It was an early start, but the kids were so excited it didn't matter. They had their very own fishing rods and had been praying hard all week that they would catch some fish and that they wouldn't fall overboard if they caught a big one.

With Calebs birthday coming up soon, a fishing rod and a fishing trip is what he wanted, so now he is super happy and is asking when the next trip out will be. Hayley's maybe not so keen to go out again real soon, but she did have fun.