Thursday, March 25, 2010

Our 11 month old cutie.

Swinging away

Our little Gangsta

11 Months where have they gone, soon we will be celebrating his first birthday with Grandma and Grandpa Gene, who arrive in just 2 days.
Connor is walking everywhere now and is getting quite quick. He has found he can now throw tantrums to get Caleb and Hayley into trouble, he squeals like he does when they kids are annoying him. We are seeing a real interesting little personality now. We could be in for some fun in the future. He is quite indepenedant and doesn't like being helped much...As you can see he likes to be on the swing by himself. Yes we have had a couple of falls. His hair is finally starting to grow so all his bumps will not be so noticeable in the future.

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