Saturday, April 28, 2012

Calebs first Rugby game

Well I must admit when Caleb informed me he was going to play Rugby this year instead of Soccer, I kinda panicked.  The idea of watching my son get pummelled was not my idea of a fun weekend. I hoped that over time he would change his mind, but it didn't so I reluctantly rang the local club and put his name down as a late addition.  We were phoned on Tuesday that he has been put into a team, his first practice was to be on Thursday and his first game was today (Saturday). So away we went with supporters in tow (unfortunately Jeff had to work so wasn't able to be there).  Caleb played awesome for his first ever game, and he totally enjoyed himself.  The remainder of the day was taken up watching his supporter play in their games and then they took him to a Professional game at the Hamilton Stadium.  So it has been a huge induction of Rugby for Caleb today.
 Connor got all dressed up in support for Caleb. He was super proud of his big brother cheering on the sideline.
 Caleb in his Rugby gear ready for his game

 Caleb in action, got down the rugby moves
Fiddling with his mouth guard.
So Proud of you Caleb you did awesome. Love you.

Jeffs second Triathlon

So Jeff completed his second Triathlon on April 22. It was up in Auckland at Mission Bay. Jeff and I went up the night before and stayed with some friends. The kids choose to stay with friends back in Hamilton as they didn't want to get up so early.  The race started at 7:35 am, and we needed to be at the start area by 6 am so that meant a 4:30 am start to our day.  I enjoyed being there to support Jeff and not having to worry about 3 kids.  We had a break even if it was all about Jeff.
 Nice scenery as the sun was coming up and Jeff was in that freezing water.
 Coming in from the swim

 Look at those muscles!!!

 Enjoying the Bike

 Coming into the finish line. Well done Jeff, you are an inspiration to all!!!!

Connor turns 3

We had a low key birthday for Connor followed later by a family dinner. He was happy as long as he got a cake and some presents.  My sister was up from Christchurch so we took the kids out for lunch and to the movies, to celebrate Connors special day. Jeff had taken the day off before Connors birthday and he was able to spend the day at the park with some friends and their kids, followed by fun times at the local pools.
 Jeff and the Kids
 Connor and his Ladybug Cake. I was very thankful for as easy cake to do.

Connor with the card he got in the mail from Grandma and Grandpa Hassman

At the Mount

Over the long Easter weekend, we were able to go to Papamoa and stay at Mum and Dads place.  Jeff was able to get in some ocean swim practice for his next triathlon, while the kids and I played on the beach, out of the cold water. We had a great family weekend, but I did not have my camera for some of the more exciting adventures. We went to a wave pool, yes an indoor pool that simulates the ocean.  The kids loved it, while I was just left paranoid about all the kids that seemed to be getting thrown about by the waves.  Jeff took Caleb and Hayley on the Hydroslide, they though that was awesome and didn't want to leave. After 4 hours of hydrosliding, being bashed by fake waves and our bodies turning in wrinkled prunes we left very happy but thoroughly exhausted.

 Connors awesome wind blown hair

 Jeff getting in his swimming practice at the Mount

Caleb was the only one brave enough to get into the water with Jeff.

Calebs Birthday

A collaboration of pictures from Caleb's Birthday, Hayley and Connor.

 Caleb asked for a Star Wars cake, he wanted each of the figurines made from icing, but thankfully I ran out of time and was able to by them instead, which was much easier and faster. 
 Happy 8th Birthday Caleb.  We love you. Cant believe he is 8 already.
 Caleb had a small party with 2 friends from school coming over and staying the night.
 Hayley looking all beautiful for a day out with me. We went to the Ballet - Angelina Ballerina
 Connor found the fire trucks at the annual Night Glow - Hot Air balloon festival, I think this was the highlight of his night.
 Of course Hayley had to get in on the fun
Connor on the bus with Happy Feet.  I was able to join Connor and his other kindy friends on a trip to Auckland to Kelly Tarltons to see the penguins, sharks, stingrays, and loads of fish.  I was a wonderful but super exhausting day, its hard work supervising 40, 2 -4 years. So glad not to be a kindy teacher

Jeffs First Triathlon

Well Caleb inspired Jeff to do a triathlon. Jeff was then given the opportunity to compete is the Panasonic Tri series (Panasonic is a company that Jeff's work has alot to do with).  So he and another workmate decided to give it a go and he got hooked. With loads of training, a membership to the local pools and gym, Jeff got up each morning at 5 and worked out for 1-2 hours depending on what my study schedule allowed.

 Jeff and Sean about to start and both very nervous
 In the water waiting for the race to start
 Starts with a 500meter ocean swim, though the water doesn't look too bad, it was rather rough
 Coming out of the swim, looking rather exhausted
 Recovering a bit now.... off for the 20 km bike ride, which ended up being quite hilly
 Now for the final stage - the Run which was 5km
 Coming in towards the finish
 Up on stage
And across the finish line.
He completed the Triathlon in 1 hr 28 min, ahead of his workmate Sean.
Caleb, Hayley and I were there to cheer Jeff on, he did awesome and are so proud of him. He is already planning for the next one.

Fun times up the Sky Tower


 Caleb cautiously standing on the glass.
 Hayley and I
 Jeff helping Connor stand on the glass
 This was huge for Hayley, it probably took her close to an hour to get up the courage to stand on the glass

 Awesome views over Auckland

 Our Awesome Kids