Saturday, April 28, 2012

Calebs Weetbix Triathlon

Sorry it has been so long updating this, but as you can see we have had a super busy and fun filled summer.
Caleb entered his first Weetbix kids Triathlon. It consisted of a 50 meter swim, 4 km bike ride and a 1.5km run. He did awesome and are sooooo proud of him for his efforts. They have no placings for this event it just about making sure everyone completes the event and has lots of fun in the process. 
 Caleb at his transition point. There were well over 1000 kids so we all helped to make a sign so he could find his bike and gear easily.

 Ready for the swim, race numbers written on.
 Off on the Bike
 now for the run section
 Coming into the finish line, making it look all to easy.

They give every child a race pack before they start with has a swimming cap, swim bag , race t shirt and race numbers.  When they complete the triathlon they get a medal, drink bottle and card of completion.
Such an awesome event, Hayley is looking forward to being old enough to join in next year.

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