Saturday, April 28, 2012

Calebs first Rugby game

Well I must admit when Caleb informed me he was going to play Rugby this year instead of Soccer, I kinda panicked.  The idea of watching my son get pummelled was not my idea of a fun weekend. I hoped that over time he would change his mind, but it didn't so I reluctantly rang the local club and put his name down as a late addition.  We were phoned on Tuesday that he has been put into a team, his first practice was to be on Thursday and his first game was today (Saturday). So away we went with supporters in tow (unfortunately Jeff had to work so wasn't able to be there).  Caleb played awesome for his first ever game, and he totally enjoyed himself.  The remainder of the day was taken up watching his supporter play in their games and then they took him to a Professional game at the Hamilton Stadium.  So it has been a huge induction of Rugby for Caleb today.
 Connor got all dressed up in support for Caleb. He was super proud of his big brother cheering on the sideline.
 Caleb in his Rugby gear ready for his game

 Caleb in action, got down the rugby moves
Fiddling with his mouth guard.
So Proud of you Caleb you did awesome. Love you.

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