Saturday, February 7, 2009

December - Christmas Update

December was a very busy month, Kindy finished, along with swimming lessons, childcare and music. Thus meaning we had lots of Christmas party's to attend.Caleb dressed as a pirate and Hayley as a Fairy for a birthday party they went to. They then wore this same clothes for the next 3 days.

Caleb and Hayley getting their gift bags from Santa at the Easymind Childcare Christmas Party.
Caleb as a Shepherd at the kindy Chrstmas play, breakup.
Hayley was an angel at the Kindy Christmas play, breakup.
Caleb and Hayley unwrapping presents form Grandma and Grandpa gene
The Grandkids, Caleb 4.5 years, Cade 9 Months, Hayley 3 years and Kyuss 3 years
Caleb with Sanata at out family Christmas
Caleb playing with the present her got from Uncle Jase and Aunt Ash
Hayley with Santa
Our stylie little girl
And a watermelon lover.... though not a big fan of how juicy it was, hence the tea towel around her.
We spent 5 days at Nan and Pops new place at the Beach between christmas and New Years, unfortunalty I had to go back to work.
Nan and pop got alot of exercise the kids wanted to run everywhere. not sure who was more tired at the end of the day.
Jeff and Caleb playing in the surf.
Jeff and Hayley admiring the cold water.
Pop teaching caleb how to surf.

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