Thursday, February 5, 2009

Massive update October and November

November 3rd Hayley turned 3. We weren't going to do much then Caleb informed Hayley that she was having a big party, so I had to race to the cake shop so Hayley could choose what she wanted me to make. I was up till midnight icing this cake and then the following day we called all our friends and invited then round for an impromptu lunch. Lots of fun, Hayley was super excited, she just wanted a cake and someone to sing Happy Birthday.

My exspanding belly , this was taken on jeffs birthday.
October 28th Jeff has his birthday. At Nan and Pops new home at the beach - Papamoa.
Caleb and his sandcastles
Jeff couldn't resist building some of his own.
Hayley was very proud of hers
Caleb was just intent on Building them then smashing them down again

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