Saturday, February 7, 2009

Januray 2009 Catch Up

We went to a birthday Party at the Hamilton Zoo.

Caleb went as Batman... he just loved this costume
Hayleys big Hair cut courtesy of Jeff - still don't know what he was thinking

Caleb and Hayley never looked so alike.

Life has not slowed down much for us at all. I returned to work new years day and have been working full time since then, which has been rather exhausting and I am glad to say that as of this week I am now back to 20 Hours of work a week ( Feb 5th).
As it is summer the kids are on holiday from all there usual activities but thankfully Childcare is still running so the kids attend that while Im at work. The kids played well together most of the summer break but we are all looking forward to the return of kindy and swimming.
So not a whole lot to update on this month.

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