Sunday, March 15, 2009

February Catch up

Jeff and I. A rare photo opportunity.

Hayley and me.... so pretty

Aimee the stunning Bride ( my sister )

Our Family

Our adorable kids

Kyuss ( Brides son ) with our kids

February has been a very busy month. Mainly with the preparations for Tim and Aimees wedding, they had the most amazing day. The kids loved being all dressed up and were brilliant for their Aunt Ashley who had the job of keeping them under control.
I finished work at the end of the month which was a huge relief as despite being put on light duties, working in the emergency department you can't really avoid moving and lifting of people, light duties was bit of a joke. So towards the end I was getting rather uncomfortable, and my bumb was really getting in the way.
Along with a wedding, my sister Leanna aka Boof Moved to Christchurch for study, the kids are really going to miss her. The the following week my brother Jason and his wife Ashley moved back to Texas to live. Caleb has told us he is going to live with them when he is older, thankfully thats a while off yet. So yeah it has been hard saying goodbye to Family, and not knowing when we will see them again. Plus it was busy trying to fit in time to spend with them before they left.

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